Sunday, October 5, 2008


oh my gosh! i absolutely LOVE books with twisted endings, and this sure fits that category.  I was completely not expecting Josie to be in on the whole shooting plot.  I thought that from the beginning when she was this little piece of sass that wouldn't stick up for herself (which is when i lost respect for her) and that there was no way she was ever going to get out of that relationship.  She proved me wrong.  She not only got out of the relationship, but she insured that they would never be together again.  Her means, i must admit, were a bit extravagant, and i feel like maybe she could have found a more mellow way to deal, but i guess it's whatever works for her...  It does kind of bother me that Peter was involved, i think instead of having him help her, Josie could have gotten help for him and then, he most likely wouldn't have bit the dust.  Also, it bothers me that the blame was on Peter through out the entire book, because then, even though Josie was convicted, it still seems like mostly Peter's fault because that's what we got used to as readers, and at least i will always think of him before Josie as the school shooting cause.  However, i guess if we would have known the whole time it was Josie than there would have been no surprise ending and i therefore would have not enjoyed the book.  So I'm glad it went the way it did.  Kudos Jodi Picoult
word count: 260

1 comment:

(*(Rachel A.)*) said...

I love surprize endings too! I am still is shock over Josie being involved. I had a more down to earth positive idea of her character, and that just completly proved me wrong! it bothered me so much how she stayed with Matt even with the way he treated her. now that I think about it, it does not surprize me one bit that she would be the "side kick" with the shooting, after all Peter and Josie always had this secret connect(or so i thought). In a weird way, i am almost happy that Peter and Josie made their ends and finally were buds again.
After this book, I will definately read more of Jodi's works of art!
(words 131)