Sunday, October 5, 2008

Third Section

The ending was definitely suprising and shocking, but I think that I am okay with that. I was completely dumbfounded when Josie told us that she was the one that killed Matt. I didn't want her to be with him, but I definitely didn't think she should have killed him. I am still confused as to where her suicide note comes into play. Why didn't she ever actually do anything with it? What was the point of it?

I guess I am pretty happy with the way things turned out for Peter. By the end of the book, I was more so on his and Jordan's side, hating every word that came out of Diana and the witnesses mouths. They were all so fake and ridiculous. They didn't learn anything from Peter's "lesson." One part that I really liked was when Dr. King was on the stand. I liked the way he explained everything Peter was going through, whether it was true or not. It gave meaning to Peter's side of the story. King made me realize that Peter really wasn't this cold-blooded killer that hated everybody. He was just a victim, one that was sick and tired of being beat down by almost everyone surrounding him. I think he got the punishment he deserved and I was satisfied with that.

Another I liked was the way that Patrick and Alex turned out. I finally don't think Alex is crazy anymore. It took her a heck of a long time, but I think she finally realizes what it means to be a good mother. I think Patrick was her fresh new start, giving her a chance to be the mother she only now realizes she wants to be. I guess the only thing that wasn't really solved was that Peter's victims are still the same as before, only now they are wounded and some disfigured, but there still seems to be that hierachy and it is really upsetting. You would think that they would have learned.

1 comment:

Katy said...

The suicide note is still totally throwing me off too, even though the book is long over. I mean, I guess I understand the point and all…but I kind of want to know more about it. But I also just want to know more about how Josie ended up in general, like once she’s in and then right out of jail and everything.
I definitely love how Alex and Patrick ended. I really liked Patrick’s character from the start, but I honestly couldn’t stand Alex until probably the middle of the book – at the earliest. So I think Patrick’s going to help make her well-rounded and help her discover how to be a better mother and all that jazz. I think he’ll help humanize her, maybe.
In general, I really liked the book too!

Words: 134