Sunday, October 5, 2008

3rd Assignment

I really didn’t like the ending at all. I guess I’m not really a fan of twist endings. I really don't think that Josie should have killed her boyfriend, no matter how much of a jerk he was, but I know why she did.

So Peter killed himself anyway. He could have done that in the beginning and avoided much heartache from the whole entire town, but then, i guess, he couldn't have helped Josie kill Matt (which I still think was unnecessary). Even after getting to know them more and more throughout the novel, I still can’t relate to some of the characters.

I am happy, though, that Alex and Patrick ended up together. It was sad to see him want Nina so badly, knowing he could never have her. Maybe Alex will feel more confident being a mom the second time around. I think Alex really grew throughout the book.

Lacy and Lewis must be beside themselves with grief, having lost two sons. I don’t think they will ever get over it. It will probably be especially hard for Lacy, since it's her job to bring new children into the world.

Overall, Nineteen Minutes was a really fun read for me. It went so fast and it was very exciting. Even though I didn't like the ending too much, I still thought that it was well-planned and attention-grabbing.

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