Sunday, October 5, 2008

Glad to be finished

Wow. I can usually figure out how a book will end a little before it does, but this one put me through the ringer. I could not for the life of me figure out how it was going to end and honestly, I’m glad I couldn’t, because what happened was way better than I could have imagined.

I could not believe that Josie would be the one to kill Matt. It was incredibly unexpected but also extremely well supported and developed so I didn’t feel like Picoult just wrote about it to twist the plot.

I was kind of mad that we never learned who was narrating the chapters and I felt like in general Picoult left the story kind of open ended. The reason that Josie killed Matt doesn’t surprise me but I really want to know what happens to her once she goes to jail. It makes me crazy not knowing what she feels now that it’s all over. The loose ends just still feel loose to me and I would have appreciated like twenty-five more pages about the aftermath. What happened to Peter, Lacy? Did Josie get to have a normal life, finally?

Oh well. Ultimately I thoroughly enjoyed the story much more than I thought I would and I might be willing to read another Jodi Picoult novel.
222 Words


Doreen Hipp said...

Do you honestly think that Josie would feel anything now? To me, it seemed like Josie just went through the motions everyday, oblivious to everyone around her, too stuck up in her own woes and worries. The only thing that she really seemed to care about was herself, and making herself fit in. I personally don't understand Josie's reasons for killing her boyfriend. I had said earlier that killing herself would be the easy way out, but this, killing her boyfriend wasn't all that difficult either (beside the fact that most people could never pull a gun on someone). She just got rid of the problem, instead of solving it, so I don't know if it would really be possible for her to have a normal life and I'm pretty sure that Peter killed himself didn't he?

Microditus said...

I guess that the author sort of felt like she had found a good ending point and stopped. It is kind of weird that they jump ahead like 5 years just to conclude the book though. And as a response to Doreen's response, I think that shooting Matt was the solution, because mere force of will could not break the web of lies and deception Matt wove around her, keeping her trapped in a shell of a body. There may have been other solutions, but this one was quick and seemingly easy, if a little messy and illegal.