Sunday, September 28, 2008

19 Min. Numero Dos

Let me say even though this section was about three times as long, I probably read it in the same period of time as the first assignment, because my eyes were glued to the pages. The section starts off strong, and a little creepy. Peter says to his attorney, "How many did I get?" and thats creepy enough to make a person soil himself. It's cool though, because as it turns out, all he is doing is blurring the lines between his video game and reality. In his video game, the one where he, well, shoots up his high school, he always knows the score when its over. He never saw what his score was, and now he wants to know. 

Meanwhile, back on the farm (or in this case, the Cormier household), Josie is going through all the elements that make up a Hallmark made-for-TV movie (not that I would ever watch one of those....okay fine, I was home sick oe day and there was nothing on...but whatever) with all her teenage angst and drama and whatnot. All it does is lead to a rhetorical question from a soap opera (more daytime television); If she had the baby, would Matt really have stayed with her? On one hand, Matt's a jock, and he could pretty much get any other girl, but on the other hand, it's a small town, so word gets around fast. I'd like to think that he would have left Josie, because he seems like he treats Josie like a trophy he can bang on a daily basis, and getting too involved really doesn't seem like his "thing". You all may think that Matt is (was) genuinely in L-O-V-E with Josie but think about this; whenever he says something romantic to her, doesn't it result in immediate sex? Sure he says things but honestly, all he is doing is getting into Josie's pants. 

On a side note, my theory of Josie commiting suicide is further enhanced when she says, "I dont't think I can do this". Drew (who I also have labeled as a d-bag) thinks she is talking about having a relationship with him, but she knows the real meaning behind her words; she doesn't think she can live without him (Romeo and Juliet anyone???).

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