Sunday, September 28, 2008

2nd Assignment

I finished nineteen minutes not too long ago, and I really liked it. The middle section held a lot of interesting background information about the characters.

As I read the book, the more and more I disliked Josie. I hate the way she doesn’t care about Peter anymore, and just watches him get bullied and picked on and doesn’t do anything about it. It’s sickening. The way she tried to get rid of her baby also really upset me. I don’t understand how someone could just basically not have a heart. She’s selfish and only cares about not getting humiliated in front of others.

Matt never fails to make me dislike him more every time I read about him. I hate the way he treats Josie, and I hate the way Josie puts up with it.

It made me really sad when I read the part that says that the Glock under his pillow will help Peter sleep better at night. I feel bad for him, but I just don’t understand how anyone could do what he did. The fact that he shows no real remorse for a while makes me wonder if there really is a person in there. When he was younger, he would have seemed like the last person who would do anything like that. If he was just treated a little nicer when he was little, none of this would have happened.

1 comment:

Microditus said...

I agree with you, along with the rest of the group, about how annoying and sickening the Matt-Josie relationship is. The pregnancy just sort of adds to the "drama". Matt says he would stay, but we all know he's full of crap.

On the lack of regret from Peter, the reason he feels nothing is because he was never shown any in his struggle. A little nicer treatment would hardly make this any different. Peter was treated as unequal, like he wasn't even human. To stop this from happening, the popular kids needed to learn that they weren't untouchable. Peter taught them that lesson. There really isn't an easier way to learn that lesson. They shouldn't have forgotten it in the first place.