Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I've divided the book into three sections which will correspond with your postings.
By midnight of Sun. Sept. 21 read through page 89 and write one 200-word blog. After everyone has posted, you need to write a 100-word blog response to one of the postings sometime before midnight of Wed. Sept. 24.
By midnight of Sun. Sept. 28 read through page 330 and write one 200-word blog. After everyone has posted, you need to write a 100-word blog response to one of the postings by midnight of Wed. Oct. 1.
By midnight of Sun. Oct. 5read through the end and write one 200-word blog. After everyone has posted, you need to write a 100-word blog response to one of the postings by midnight of Wed. Oct. 8.
Remember this is the minimum. Feel free to respond to more than one posting.

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