Sunday, September 28, 2008

As I continue to read through Nineteen Minutes it amazes me how the story trudges onward. Every passage seems to bring some new layer to the story. Sometimes you see it coming and other times, like the suicide of one of the victim’s mothers, it hits you in the face and you are like: Did that really just happen?

On the ongoing suicide note as section preface reading further has only enhanced my opinion that it is Josie’s. The one where it talks about trying to be popular really makes me thinks it’s hers because Peter never really tried to be popular. He just didn’t want to be hated.

And finally for this lovely evening, I find it astounding the utter ability of those closest to the victims to settle right back into the way they lived before the death of their friends. In this I mean not to say their routines but rather the way they treat others. If you’ve read the section you know I’m mostly talking about Drew. Leave it to him to let himself think that the girl whose boyfriend just died may want him because of course he is god almighty and what was even more appaling was when he shot the spitball at the kid at lunch. Dude wake up! Peter didn’t kill kids because they were nice to him—-get a grip and stop being a complete self-centered prick.

236 Words


Katy said...

Okay, so reading your little blog here made me totally think that the suicide note is Josie's, too. When I was reading all the stuff about being popular, etc., I was like, Peter wasn't trying to be popular, at least not that I thought. I thought I was either seriously missing something in Peter or that Piccoult was going to hoodwink us with Josie's death.

That, and everything about the kids STILL not changing drove me insane. Drew...oh my GOD. Drew's friends are practically all dead and all he seems to be thinking about is...who to get with next.
Get over yourself.

Stephanie said...

I was confused too because i thought it was Peter's no questions asked and i didn't understand because it didn't really sound like his problems. But i didn't put much thought into it because i figured i just totally slept through a chapter.

Also, i too am angered by Drew because WHAT THE HECK if my friends were all gonner, i would not be on the prowl for my next love victim i'd probably be in my bed balling every free second i had.