Sunday, September 28, 2008

19 Mins: Blog 2

Every time I pick this book up, it has been so hard to put it back down. This next section was very interesting. The main point i liked is how the author uses flashbacks in order for the reader to become acquainted with Peter and his troubled past. Though the scene that has been dwelling in my mind is when Peter and his attorney sit down and have their discussion. This just scares me to death! the way Peter has no remorse what so ever and the fact that it brings him pleasure in knowing he killed those kids is just plane horrible! Even though he was picked on all throughout his life, this does not give him the right to go on a murder rampage. It is as if over the years of all his torments Peter looses all emotion and sympathy towards other-clearly a sign of much needed counseling!
Another red flag popping up in my head is how Peter's parents failed to even realize the severity of his situation. If a child was being victimized at school the parents should be the first to step up and promote strong change, but his parents told him to act tougher and allowed the battering to continue in the vain thought their child could handle it on his own. In fact, they were just as much part of Peter's out-leash because of the way they pedalstolled Peter's older deceased brother. The way they are so ignorant to the facts in Peter's life really makes me wonder if my own family commits the same crime?

1 comment:

Michael Renner said...

In your blog you talked about all the red flags about Peter being unstable and I really must agree. I think it is despicable the way that people just stand by and let him get tormented. I’m not naïve and I realize that dealing with bullies is sort of a part of life, but the way that the teachers and administration are so blind to what is happening to Peter boggles my mind. Unfortunately, though, I’m also not naïve to the fact that this complete disconnect between students and administration is very common-I see it happen at Hoover all the time, when the principals are more worried about how big your purse is or what color your hair is instead of worrying about things that matter.
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