Sunday, September 21, 2008

Nineteen Minutes (1-89)

To start, I can’t deny that I’m totally enjoying every minute of this book so far. It’s undeniably fast-paced and the characters are dynamic. While the central, main action of the school shooting has passed, I’m still curious about the ramifications. I wonder if she’ll (she being Jodi Piccoult) make him out to be some sort of dispossessed saint, or if he really will just end up being the murderous fiend. I can’t tell which way this is leaning right now. Some instances, like with Lacy and Lewis, make it seem like Peter might turn out okay, at least in terms of the trial. When dealing with the past and other things though, it’s a tougher call.

Additionally: I would like to believe that Alex Cormier is going to hook up with Patrick, but that’s just random speculation based on one or two interactions.

I really like the use of flashbacks, although sometimes they seem over the top. At times, I’m having a hard time believing that Peter Houghton (or any kid) could really be THAT victimized by any society. Just from personal experiences at St. Paul’s, I know that most kids who are bullied (even on an irregular basis) usually found not only friends, but usually a more accepting school system. So I find it hard to believe that Peter would actually a.) Be so consistently picked on in the first place and b.) Not tell anyone.

And Josie Cormier, hello, why don’t you have a soul? If you were going to inherit anything from your mother…why is it this soullessness? She can’t even acknowledge Peter in the hallway or give him some sort of inch? It’s really obnoxious Josie. It really is. Of course, I have to partially (wholly) blame your mother for how you’ve turned out.

Alex Cormier is borderline insane, if you ask me.


Doreen Hipp said...

Hearing from other people, Picoult writes in a way that makes you like Peter despite the fact that he shot more than ten people. I am not really sure if I can say the same yet. Right now, I can't say that I feel all that bad for Peter anymore. It's one thing to be an outcast, but to take revenge by shooting in your school? That just doesn't make sense to me.

Also, I totally agree with you about Josie. I can't stand her! I mean I feel bad for everyone that was there during the shooting, but before the shooting, Josie was just wallowing in self-pity because she is too wimpy to do anything about her "situation," too afraid to not fit in. She seriously gets on my nerves.

Stephanie said...

I totally agree that Alex and Patrick are going to hook up, they would go well together.

Also, I definitely see where you are coming from when you say it doesn't quite seem realistic that Peter reacts so insanely to the bullying. I was actually reading about school shootings for speech class last night and less then 20% of them are provoked by bullying. Most are because the student wants to make a statement, but that’s beside the point. In short, bullied people have friends too.

Also, I couldn't side with you and Doreen more about little Josie Cormier. I think that she is a brat that needs to become more self sufficient and do something about her situation instead of crying about it, and everything we knew about her before the shooting almost made me not feel bad for her at all even though she was there.