Sunday, September 28, 2008

Second Section

So this section of the book was really good. It got really interesting and I liked reading the flashbacks and being able to peer into the past of Peter's life and what it was really like for him. As I continue reading the book, I find myself becoming more and more emotionally involved in the thoughts and emotions of the characters, gaining more and more sympathy for Peter (without actually condoning his actions), and hating Josie and Matt and all of "them." I can't seem to understand how "they" could be so awful, so rude and downright cruel, when Peter honestly never did anything to them. I can't understand how Josie knew she was hurting Peter and at times even leading him on, but refused to do anything about it, because it would hurt her reputation too much. And now, after all of this time, after all of the pain and humiliation she caused him, she begins to realize that he has to be her friend. Why would Peter want her back now? That part that got me the most though, was Lewis, when he said that he wished Peter had died instead of Joey. I can't help but wonder if he would say the same thing if he knew that Peter was using drugs. I just cannot possibly fathom how you can say that you wished your own flesh and blood was dead. So it turns out that it was Josie who was writing those notes at the beginning of the chapters, but why? And what will she do with them?

1 comment:

Lexie said...

I understand what you were saying about Lewis. I was really angry when I read about that part in the cemetery, but I understand why he was there too. He feels responsible for all the kids that died. If Peter were dead, he would definitely grieve over his child's death, but then, maybe it would be better than knowing your child killed ten other children.

I thought the handwritten notes in the beginning of chapters were Peter at first. I was surprised when I learned Josie was writing them. I really wanted to know why she was writing them too. Maybe she was writing her thoughts down, because she couldn’t tell anyone else.